Get relief from shoulder pain with Encinitas CA specialist’s accurate diagnostics, precision therapy

One in every two people will experience shoulder pain this year. Half of those people will visit a doctor for pain and stiffness so severe that it interferes with work and school. No other joint in your body has the shoulder’s range of motion; however, that level of mobility is associated with increased instability and impingement on the soft tissues and bony structures, which connect to the shoulder joints. When structures don’t fit together as they should, pain may arise only when moving your shoulder, or it can persist all the time.
You’ve come to the right place for shoulder pain relief in Encinitas CA. As a board-certified rheumatologist, Dr. Peter Lloyd is trained and experienced in accurately diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions and autoimmune, rheumatic diseases of the joints, muscles, and bones. Dr. Lloyd applies his advanced techniques and demonstrated knowledge to detect the root cause of Seaside Rheumatology and Wellness Center patients’ shoulder pain.
Some of the most common causes of shoulder pain, successfully diagnosed and resolved by Dr. Lloyd, include:
- Bursitis – Excessive or repetitive use of the shoulder can lead to swelling and inflammation of bursae, fluid-filled sacs that cushion the bones and soft tissues in the joints and reduce friction between the muscle and bone.
- Tendinitis – The “cord” that tethers muscle to bone can become inflamed acutely (as the result of repetitive sports or work activities) or chronically due to degenerative conditions (like arthritis).
- Arthritis – While there are many types of arthritis characterized by inflamed joints, osteoarthritis is among the most common and due to age-related “wear and tear,” or sports and work injuries. Moving the shoulder excessively can lead to painful tightness and stiffness in the soft tissues of the joint.
Aided by aseptic techniques designed to maintain the safest, most sterile environment possible, Dr. Lloyd and Seaside Rheumatology and Wellness Center offer joint aspiration as a diagnostic tool and joint injection as a treatment option for those who are suffering from shoulder pain.
Joint aspiration
After the area to be aspirated is numbed for utmost comfort, and the skin’s surface is thoroughly cleaned, a small needle is used to remove fluid in the joint space. This synovial fluid is then analyzed. The information found as the result of the sample is then used to diagnose the shoulder pain-related condition, and to develop a treatment plan that effectively relieves the pain. The number of red and white blood cells, the presence of uric acid crystals and infections can be determined by evaluating samples pulled from joint aspiration.
Joint injections
Preparation is like joint aspiration; however, instead of extracting a fluid sample, medications are injected into shoulder joints. Medications include corticosteroids and Hyaluronic acids like Orthovisc®, which can be used to relieve inflammation and ease pain in the joint. Dr. Lloyd uses ultrasound to guide the precise administration of medications. So, the procedure is well-tolerated and therapeutic agents are delivered exactly where they need to be.
Don’t suffer from shoulder pain. Call 760-509-2429 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lloyd at Seaside Rheumatology and Wellness Center. He looks forward to discussing your options for pain relief.
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