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Joint aspiration in Encinitas CA pinpoints cause of pain, injections provide relief

Joint Pain Relief in Encinitas area

There are dozens of causes of joint pain and associated inflammation and swelling. As a board-certified rheumatologist, Dr. Peter Lloyd is specially trained and experienced to assess joint pain and related movement problems. Accurate, well-informed diagnostics leads to effective joint pain relief in Encinitas CA at Seaside Rheumatology and Wellness Center.

Joint pain

Joints are where at least two bones come together. Most joints are mobile, which allows the bones to move effortlessly. Any part of a joint may be the source of discomfort, including cartilage, ligaments, and tendons. Symptoms may be mild, with soreness arising only after specific types of activity. Severe symptoms can limit your movement and ability to do day-to-day tasks and bearing any amount of weight can be quite painful.

Myriad causes of joint pain span different types of arthritis, to problems with the thyroid and nervous system. After evaluating your symptoms and medical history, Dr. Lloyd works with you to manage, prevent, and relieve the pain and stiffness that takes away from your enjoyment in the sports and activities that you love, or that limits your independence, as you may require assistance with everyday tasks.


Mild joint pain can be cared for with OTC pain relievers, or by refraining from using the joints in ways that can make pain worse. Using a cold compress, heating pad, or wrap can relieve inflammation and ease muscle spasms around joints.

A procedure known as joint aspiration can help Dr. Lloyd pinpoint the cause of your joint symptoms, while joint injections treat underlying inflammation to soothe discomfort and swelling.

If Dr. Lloyd determines you are a candidate for these procedures, he may use a cold spray or local anesthetic before cleansing the skin’s surface, for utmost comfort. Afterward, a needle is inserted into the affected joint. At this point, fluid from a swollen joint is either removed (or aspirated) for further testing, or steroids are injected into the joints. Steroids treat inflammation inside of each joint, lessening swelling and pain. Common injection sites include the knees, shoulders, ankles, hands, and hips.

New Patients : 760-509-2429 | Existing Patients : 760-452-2080

Notably, Dr. Lloyd uses:

  • An exacting aseptic technique to ensure safety and sterility before, during, and after these injections.
  • Ultrasound technology to precisely guide needles for injection or aspiration, allowing for both the most accurate treatment as well as the most comfortable treatment possible

Often, reduced inflammation, swelling, and tenderness lasts a few months before wearing off. Patients with milder symptoms of conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, tendonitis, and gout may enjoy longer periods of pain relief post-injection.

Call 760-509-2429 to schedule your appointment with Dr. Lloyd at Seaside Rheumatology and Wellness Center in Encinitas CA.

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Dr. Peter Lloyd

Dr. Peter Lloyd

Dr. Peter Lloyd is a board-certified rheumatologist with exceptional expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other rheumatologic diseases. He earned his medical degree at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. He completed his internal medicine residency at the University of Chicago. He completed his rheumatology fellowship training at the prestigious David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. At his facility Seaside Rheumatology, he treats his patients using the latest technology and medical developments. Due to his impeccable academic records, modern approach to treatments and compassionate patient care, he is valued as one of the best rheumatologists in the Rheumatology field.

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